Sunday, November 25, 2007

Maybe next time

I am the type that thinks a lot and sometime find it hard to pen down. My wedding and Daniel wedding, had mentioned that I gonna write them down so that years later I can relive the moment.

Just that there are too many things to right, kind of lazy. Think I will do it next time. Hee Hee, maybe I might never do it. But those wonderful moment will always remind in my heart.


Anonymous said...

please remember not to just write it down in

rather, keep a microsoft document as diary or something, then back it out sometimes on a different hard disk.

you nv know when blogspot server is going to crash. i think it happens to one blog server several months ago. diary-x if i'm not wrong

Ahlong said...

Thanks, errr to who ever you are. Think I will at least cut and paste my past blog entry.