Friday, September 24, 2010

Zoe starts to crawl

She had been trying to for the last 2 weeks but last night I managed to caught her new skills on video. Look up for it on my FB.

Praise the Lord for her growth.

Friday, September 17, 2010

TGIF? What it means to you?

It very common to see people posting TGIF here and TGIF there. Truely we should thankful for many things in life because of Christ. But what are people really thankful about when Friday comes?

I for one have to admit that I am thankful because the work week has ended and the 1st thing that comes to my mind: How should I enjoy myself? Movies? Shopping? Maybe playing my games?

Well, having children in a way make it hard to plan and do things I want for myself. But I have to confess the thought worshipping God doesn't comes to my mind first when Friday comes.

Is this a sign of putting myself first and God take a back seat?

I pray for all of us to give thanks to God all the days of our life and when it comes to TGIF, remember to thank God first and focus on how you can worship Him and spending time doing His purpose. He is our great God who in Him we can find rest.

Peace be with you all. Praise the Lord it's Friday.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Say a prayer

Sometimes we don't pray enough. Not that God's plan will not work if we don't but it's a reflection of our relationship with God.

Some might be praying all the time but unknowing to us we might be praying only for our wants and not God's will.

Take sometime to pray my friends. I pray that you will walk rightly with God. In Christ alone we trust.