Monday, September 03, 2007

Radio still good...

Was abt to fall a sleep last night (or should I say this Morning) and happen to notice this little Tiger Beer mini clock cum radio by the bed side. Decided to turn it on and out came an oldie from the 90's. The station is "九三三".

Almost forgot "九三三" used to be my favourite station (think it's the same for most of you). The station plays a big part in why I love to "K". Used to remember how I would standby by the radio and wait for the latest songs of 刘德华 and 张学友. Then I would record their songs on tape (Yes, tape. That time can't afford CD) and I would keep playing and repeat verse by verse until I can memorise the whole song.

With MP3 on hand phone now, I almost forgot the wonderful time I used to have before the radio (of course there are much important things to do now). Think this just goes to show how relax and enjoyable my teenage days were. No worries of not enough money for my daily needs or cracking my head thinking of how to make my weekend happening. Just simply stayed at home and have "In House KTV". Those were the days.

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