Saturday, July 07, 2007

It's Dinner Time!!!

Guess what I did tonight, COOK DINNER!!!!

Thank God that this time is much better.

Though my eggs don't look really nice, my beef kanna comment a bit like rubber, my soup... well taste GREAT and my veggie not much comment, all in all was a success!!!

It's really great being able to cook and have dinner at home. Pray that I can learn more from my parents so that I can cook many more food.
Hope that soon enough I can invite my brothers & sisters(you know who you are) to eat at the "A&E House".


thechias said...

not bad lah... compared to my first attempt, you have done well. It can only get better, eh.. Roger

Ahlong said...

Thanks brother, surely by the time you come back your whole family will be most welcome.

Hoping to hear your daughter's comment on the food.