There are times that I felt powerless in helping others take the right path and watch them make mistakes and the wrong moves.
At times I am easily discouraged when I can't help others much and thoughts of being me being useless comes to mind. But I am reminded time and time again that I am made strong by Him. It is never through my own strength but His.
Even when things (and myself) seems hopeless, we are called to continue to spread His good news for others to turn to Him.
So I pray that God will use all of us to be His witness to others to take the right path, and it is never too late to change. When the big day comes we all can be in His presence.
Pray that we will not be deceive by the hopeless situations around that we may be
tempted to take the wrong route.
May our Lord bless us and keep us, and that we will be counted worthy to be at His service all the days of our lives.